I think it’s about time that I get going on some baking again. I’ve been seriously busy with lots of stuff in January, which means that I haven’t baked anything as I just couldn’t get my head around it, and I didn’t really felt like it. For anyone who knows me “in the real world”, this is equal to something being seriously wrong, as this hardly happens. Anyways it was about time to change this. So now just in time for Valentine’s Day I’ve got something new for you. I created this recipe as a “welcome back surprise” for my Australian friend, who happens to be vegan and that’s why these biscuits are vegan friendly :) And they’re easy to make which means that they’re kid-friendly as well and you don’t have to worry about them pinching the dough ;)
Stra-Ba-Cho Heart Biscuit Recipe
You’ll need:
- 50 g baking vegetable spread
- 100 g demerara sugar
- 1 really ripe banana
- 3 table spoons ground hazelnuts
- 3 table spoons cocoa powder
- 200 g self-raising flour
- heart shaped cookie cutter
for the icing:
- about 20 g strawberries (mine were frozen)
- 2 table spoon icing sugar
if you want your hearts to really pop you can put some food colour into the icing but I didn’t had any vegan food colour on hand.
Let’s get started:

mix baking spread and sugar

add mashed up banana and hazelnuts

add flour and cocoa (I like to sieve my flour but that’s up to you)

The dough is quite sticky and needs some rest in the fridge, so wrap it in cling film and put it in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
Preheat your oven to 180 C (or whatever temperature you usually bake biscuits on, every oven is different)

Roll out your dough on a floured surface and cut out your hearts. (Thinner rolled dough will give you crunchy biscuits, if you’ll leave the dough a bit thicker they will be gooey-er , I liked both :)) Pop them in the oven for about 10 minutes.

Let them cool on a rack.
For the icing:

put your strawberries in a food processor and mix them with some icing sugar until you have the icing according to your taste.

And then eat them :) Mine were gone the next day….
Would love to see how your biscuits turned out so if you made them please post a picture onto my Facebook wall :)
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